
PRET: 33 26 LEI |
(Second Edition) |
Carmen Ardelean
Colectia: Smart Books |
ISBN: 978-606-749-683-3, Format: 13 x 20 cm, 154 pagini, Aparitie: 2023, August |
This spectacular development of open-source databases and proactive virtual aids is the main reason, for the author of this book, to start writing a sequel which includes clear reference to this topic, with detailed information about the risks involved and potential solutions to them. After all, translation means personal involvement in the core of any project and the responsibility of achieving it properly, beyond any shadow of a doubt regarding its originality and level of quality.
This extension of the initial purpose of this book is also meant to help translators and interpreters avoid potential mistakes related to their approach to linguistic shift activities.
Being a professional translator herself, the author knows that we all make mistakes, in spite of our efforts to provide the best possible variant for each project; at the same time, various changes in the way we speak, in the way in which certain terms are used, in which their meaning is extended or set aside - all justify constant revisions of the means by which various risks are managed. If insufficiently understood and learned, such open?source technologies could result in a fracture between purpose setting and achievement, as well as an accidental or purposeful infringement of the general ethical requirements of our profession.
The Author |
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