
PRET: 39 31 LEI |
Management and Leadership in an Interconnected World |
Florina Panzaru Alexandra Zbuchea Alexandra Vitelar Victor Ciuciuc
Colectia: Smart Books |
ISBN: 978-606-749-526-3, Format: 13x20 cm, 180 pag., Aparitie: 2020, Decembrie |
In a constantly changing VUCA world as a direct result of globalization and of the acceleration of digitalization, leaders are challenged to reinvent what they know about management, even if the basic principles are still valid. Agility and business ecosystems connected through the digital technology are the new norm. A radical reinvention of the economy and IT is happening now, and the business and social landscapes are reshaped by the prevalence of cloud and mobile fueled collaboration and communications. Resilience, agility, and innovation are not only buzz words, but mandatory principles for today's managers. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown, more than ever, what was being discussed mostly at the academic level: we are interconnected, but most organizations are not yet truly prepared for this new world – a world where there is a need for collaboration, sustainability and trust.
This book explores what management means today, what new leadership skills are required, and how strategies are redefined. Thus, "Management and Leadership in an Interconnected World" addresses several critical issues to help managers understand the new competitive landscape and to find insights that could be useful for their efforts in defining sustainable business models and robust managerial practices. |
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